by dianak | Jun 7, 2018 | Security
Did you see that ZenCash was hit with a 51% attack the other day? It’s true; they’re the most recent to join the club of currencies that have been impacted by someone controlling a majority of the hashrate. For the time this is the case, they can do...
by dianak | Jun 5, 2018 | Security
There’s been a bunch of interest out there on the wild, wild, world of web about election security. For example, today we have this article, that says 14 states have requested funding from congress to shore up the security of their elections… and this...
by dianak | May 31, 2018 | Security
Last year around this time, I wrote a thing about Russia Foreign Minister Andrey Krutskikh and his “cyber atomic bomb.” I’ll quote it again in case you don’t feel like going back and reading the original post. He said this at a 2016...
by dianak | May 31, 2018 | Security
So this morning I had an mail exchange with Julian Goldie over at King Passive (Cryptocurrency blog/resources). Aside from seeming like a super nice guy — which you can tell straightaway both from interacting with him personally but also from his site —...
by dianak | May 29, 2018 | Security
OK, so everyone keeps telling me about why I need to drop everything and go read about PSD2 this very second because it’ll take a nutcracker to security for financial institutions. Having become at least cursorily educated about it, I have to say that now...
by dianak | May 23, 2018 | Security
So you maybe noticed that there was a post on here yesterday and it’s not here now. After consideration and from a “full disclosure” standpoint, I feel like I owe folks an explanation about why that is. If you saw that post, you’ll know I...