Coinrail, CFTC, and cryptocurrency liquidity

Cryptocurrency prices are down in the wake of the recent Coinrail hack — it’s worth a read, but in a dance we’ve all been through before, Coinrail announced that they were the victim of a hack whereby the bad guys made off with about 30% of their...

Zencash, Cryptocurrency 51% attacks, and Bitmain

Did you see that ZenCash was hit with a 51% attack the other day?  It’s true; they’re the most recent to join the club of currencies that have been impacted by someone controlling a majority of the hashrate.  For the time this is the case, they can do...

Election security asymmetry: need another way

There’s been a bunch of interest out there on the wild, wild, world of web about election security.  For example, today we have this article, that says 14 states have requested funding from congress to shore up the security of their elections… and this...

Great resource on Ethereum… passing it along

So this morning I had an mail exchange with Julian Goldie over at King Passive (Cryptocurrency blog/resources).  Aside from seeming like a super nice guy — which you can tell straightaway both from interacting with him personally but also from his site —...