How I learned to stop worrying and love the vuln

This morning the always-exceptional Mike Mimoso over at the ThreatPost posted this article about research being discussed at BlackHat today.  The research highlights vulnerabilities in various radiation monitoring apparatus – you know, the kind used at power...

Adobe Kills Off Flash

So today we have official confirmation that Adobe is going to kill off Flash by 2020.  Good for them, since it’s been the source of who knows how many security issues over  the years.  So this was a long time coming. Flash is arguably unnecessary nowadays...

“New Methods” Are Great. Not an Excuse Though.

This morning I came across this article over at TechTarget (SearchHealthIT).  It’s about a healthcare shop in California and their approach to security.  It’s an interesting read and the gist is that this particular shop, by virtue of their conclusion that...

Ransomware: useful in more ways than one

There’s an interesting article over at Silicon Republic saying that Ransomware is the best problem that the security industry has had in decades.  There are a few things I don’t exactly love about this article — but there was enough of a seed there...