Not training… outcomes

Today I came across an article from Harvard Business Review stating that “The Best Cybersecurity Investment You Can Make Is Better Training”.  Is it?  Is it really?  The economic return of training – i.e. the value for money associated with security...

WannaCry lessons, patching redux

So I promised yesterday that I would continue the discussion of the rampant foolishness that is “WannaCry” – and more importantly the lessons that we can learn from it.  I talked yesterday about what I perceive to be issues with the way that we as an...

WannaCry: So much distraction

So you maybe noticed there was some ransomware going around recently?  Sure you did.  If you’ve been in a coma for the past three days, a few things you need to know: she isn’t really your fiance (and she’s going to wind up with Bill Pullman anyway...

To fix cyberwarfare, check your politics at the door

I’ve noticed a trend.  Namely, that individual political inclinations – and the reservations that we have talking about politics for fear of treading on those inclinations – are having a “chilling effect” on accurate and thorough...

Kill Win32? Who are you kidding?

I saw an article today about some of the changes being discussed by Microsoft in regards to future Windows application development and their plans for Windows over the long term.  It’s an interesting  article — mostly focusing on the history of the Win32...