The CSF: Stephen Fry says you’re doing it wrong

So first of all, let me start by saying that I get it that Stephen Fry playing the role of Jeeves from like a billion years ago has nothing to do with anything.  That said, it came up in my google image search for “you’re doing it wrong” while...

Hackback: Dumb yet apparently still a thing

So the Active Cyber Defense Certainty Act (the “ACDC” Act) is now apparently making the rounds.  The gist is that it would make it legal for someone to attack someone else provided two things are true: 1) that “someone else” is in the process...

Told you so. But pacemakers maybe not the worst of it

In the continuing saga of why the lack of security in biomed will eventually start killing people, we have yesterday the results of a security analysis of a pacemaker where they found apparently 8600 flaws — of which some are potentially deadly.  It’s an...

Where’s the love for smart contracts?

So you may have noticed that Bitcoin is on fire recently.  As I write this, the price of Bitcoin is almost $2500.  Yikes. I continue to be surprised by the escalating price of Bitcoin.  I’m even more surprised by the price of Ethereum.  Bloomberg has an...

If you’re gonna fad, at least learn something.

Have you ever noticed that security is an industry driven in large parts by fads? It’s true.  There are a few different types of fads out there.  First, there are technology fads.  If you’ve been in the industry for a while, you probably remember at least...